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The God Who Is There


There has been a radical shift in thinking in fairly recent years. People no longer think in terms of the classical categories of reason, often affirming the truth of a statement and it's antithesis (complete opposite) in the same sentence: God exists and does not exist. Schaeffer tracks the introduction of this method of knowing into the areas of our society (philosophy, art, music, general culture and theology) and explains how this is the "most crucial problem facing Christianity today" because it leaves people with no possibility for "true truth" and the Christian gospel.

Commercial Availability of Work
The God Who Is There (paper - 330 pages - 30th Anniversary Ed.)
The God Who Is There (paper)

Trilogy (hard - 367 pages)
The Complete Works of Francis Schaeffer (paper)
The Complete Works of Francis Schaeffer (Windows CDROM)

Quotes From The Book
The Christian is to resist the spirit of the world. But when we say this, we must understand that the worldspirit does not always take the same form. So the Christian must resist the spirit of the world in the form it takes in his own generation. If he does not do this, he is not resisting the spirit of the world at all.
(Francis A. Schaeffer, The God Who Is There, Ch. 1)

In our modern forms of specialized education there is a tendency to lose the whole in the parts, and in this sense we can say that our generation produces few truly educated people. True education means thinking by associating across the various disciplines, and not just being highly qualified in one field, as a technician might be. I suppose no discipline has tended to think more in fragmented fashion than the orthodox or evangelical theology of today. Those standing in the stream of historic Christianity have been especially slow to understand the relationships between various areas of thought. When the apostle warned us to ěkeep [ourselves] unspotted from the world,î the was not talking of some abstraction. If the Christian is to apply this injunction to himself, he must understand what confronts him antagonistically in his own moment of history. Otherwise he simply becomes a useless museum piece and not a living warrior for Jesus Christ.
(Francis A. Schaeffer, The God Who Is There, Ch. 1)

The orthodox Christian has paid a very heavy price, both in the defense and communication of the gospel, for his failure to think and act as an educated person understanding and at war with the uniformity of our modern culture.
(Francis A. Schaeffer, The God Who Is There, Ch. 1)

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